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Myanmar and it is Emergence Onto the World Stage

I was extremely pleased to see the news article inferring that Myanmar has become ready to join the world's community of nations, which means Hopefully they are ready to treat their nationals with respect and dignity. The Burmese take presctiption the entire an attractive gentle caring race of individuals, For the people of Myanmar have for far to long relied on their community and spiritual life-style to ensure that they are equipped to visit past the woes brought upon them through the oppression they have endured as a result of their military. For that Burmese people have had their calm and spiritual persona exploited towards the extreme through the military junta which has controlled america, we the west have stood by and allowed this oppression to occur.

Back in the 90's I had the privilege to operate in Yangon like a consultant for their fledgling mobile telephony network, albeit my work lasted only for a short period of time, dependent on a few months. For just one fleeting moment, about 12 to 15 years ago it looked as though these were going to rejoin the democratic world order, as they attempted to embrace democracy. Global hotel chains rushed to Yangon to construct and operate spectacular hotels of incredible quality, sadly as they did keep to the democratic discipline, these hotels have stood largely empty.

As for my reason to be there it was to advise them around the requirements required to implement a mobile telephony network across Myanmar. Because they were trying to embrace mobile telephony, as it looked as though they desired to put in a network, they were beginning to open the nation again.

Throughout the period that I traveled to and from Myanmar, an outing which i found to be fraught with difficulty because of all of the procedural requirements to obtain visa's etc., I saw an infra-structure that was reminiscent of the war years across Europe. There have been old Bedford lorries and buses that have been easily 50 years old and were still operating as originally intended, it had been as though the planet had not managed to move on. For me personally this brought a type of charm to my trips that was enjoyable to determine and experience, but I left the nation for better facilities so never really needed to go through the practical impact for just about any period of time.

Export Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics to Vietnam Myanmar and Indonesia

However, what was an unexpected in my experience; was the presence of French nationals plying their trade. The French were involved in areas for example; Telephone exchange systems right through to restaurants. I was advised by colleagues which i caused to keep my own council must i be in any bars within my evenings, they were indicating the presence of French intelligence, something who were there in Myanmar to safeguard French businesses from foreign competitors. I have no idea whether I brushed along side this option so didn't have experience to say if this was true or not. But, I had certainly been advised to keep my very own council especially around the bar of the Strand Hotel, a bar where the few expats which were in Myanmar frequented, I count embassy personal amongst the expats.

During among my evening trips I had the good fortune to travel outside of Yangon, traveling on the main route for approx 10 miles, at which point we turned off the street and followed a dirt track for at least another 2 miles. Eventually we discovered a beautiful newly painted white colonial house, this house is at the middle of a plantation, it had an arch stretches in the front door/entrance whereby cars could drive-thru and prevent underneath, this arch was similar to a by gone era. You can imagine that in the days when colonial carriages were being used, that these carriages would draw under the arch and are available to a complete halt, the colonial elite would then alight from such carriages. The leading porch would then pass into a grand hall complete with sweeping staircase. This rather splendid building was a unique French restaurant, it joined together having a French chef/owner, the meals was of unbelievable quality. The restaurant wasn't over populated with tables but the tables that were there situated in the different rooms, were all full with diners.

I've digressed, it's interesting that the exploiters were indeed the exploited after the day, because the Chinese were using Myanmar's resources to generate power and then send that power to China netting little help to the Burmese. I'd suspect that the military regime of Myanmar had long enjoyed the support of China. But this aside as well as for whatever reason they, the junta, have finally arrived at the table and also the people of Myanmar may take a breath and heave a sigh of relief. When it comes to west we ought to now embrace them and enable them to join the civilized community of nations. In so doing we should not dismiss the sacrifice that Aung San Suu Ky gave to aid her people throughout this difficult period, for we ought to acknowledge her fortitude, her resilience her grace and poise as she endured those years confined to her home. Aung San Suu Ky needs a role around the world stage as I am sure we have a " new world " states person in the guise of Aung San Suu Ky, she has displayed great humility, great dignity seen only if Nelson Mandela was launched after years of confinement. Like Nelson Mandela she has not required her oppressors to be delivered to book for his or her oppression for she has sought to unify america. In my opinion she's great courage and dignity an individual who has respect for the values of the ordinary people! Indeed the planet should look to her for guidance at this difficult time.

I really hope we see this country quickly move ahead, they, the people improve their security, bring peace and stability, their living standards quickly improve. I additionally believe that america should open its doors to ensure that many of us are able to see the temples that have formed the very spiritual backbone of the people of Myanmar. I hope that we can all experience the Shwedagon Paya (Pagoda) for this is a internationally renowned Buddhist Temple, located on a hill as it watches total of Yangon. For this temple was built and established before the time of Christ. I for just one am lucky enough to have visited this wonderful monument.

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