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10 From the Surest Ways To Get Facebook Likes

Have you got a Facebook page and desired to get Facebook loves to promote your business or manage your image? An important feature about having a page is anyone can use of it even when they aren't people in Facebook. With a Facebook page, you can easily get in touch and connect to your customers as well as your prospects. A Facebook page has a lot of benefits as it provides a base camp for the business. Needless to say, the best Facebook page might have lots of fans or "likes". If you want to jump-start your web presence and gain in followers, you are able to implement the following methods for getting Facebook likes:

1. Firstly. The best way to alert your friends or network about your page is to post a status update requesting your network to become listed on your Facebook page. Now don't just keep these things join without giving them some juicy bits by what the page is all about and why they should join and link to your page.

2. One of the ways to effectively get Facebook likes is to give incentives to people. You can for example hand out discount coupons, exclusive videos and so forth to make it more compelling for individuals to click on the "like" button.

3. Install a "Like Box" in your website. You'd be amiss if you don't employ this Facebook feature inside your website. The "like box"builder tool is customizable and would be efficient in allowing your site people to be a fan without leaving your website.

get facebook fans

4. Tag your status. This cool feature in Facebook will help you to tag your page inside your status by entering the @ sign and the name of the page or person you want to tag. This will elicit attention which get Facebook likes to your page.

5. Another cool feature on your page may be the "suggest to friends". You can use this feature to ask your network to go to your page and join. However, do this cautiously as you should not annoy people by bombarding them with frequent invitations.

6. If you want your page to blow up virally, you are able to link your Facebook page to twitter. This strategy allows all your posts be sent to twitter having a link to your Facebook post. This can be a good way to get Facebook likes from among your twitter followers.

7. Another way to stir excitement and create a buzz is to conduct a tournament just for fans. You can run the competition using wildfireapp. Just ensure to review the Facebook "statement of right and responsibilities" before conducting one to avoid any inconveniences.

8. Blog about this! Apart from posting status updates about your page, you can also mention your Facebook page in your blogs.

9. Another good way to get Facebook likes would be to put a link of the Facebook page on your profile by putting your page under employment. This can add prominence to your page as it will be shown under your name in your profile.

10. Put your Facebook page/link on your email signature and forum signature. For each time you send an email or post a comment in a forum, you will also be subtly promoting your page.

Implement the above mentioned 10 ways to get Facebook likes and you'll definitely skyrocket your page popularity!

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